Data Redaction Services

What is Redaction?

Redaction is the removal, covering or masking information so that it is not accessible. Data Redaction Services makes sure this is completed correctly.

Redaction Services for Subject Access Requests

What should be redacted?

It is a requirement of the Data Protection Act 2018 for organisations to remove accessibility (redact) information from documents that relate to other people when dealing with Subject Access Requests or Freedom of Information Requests.

To do this correctly requires expertise. Sometimes information should be left in maybe because of a professional role. On other occasions a passing reference might reveal something that shouldn’t be revealed. Due to the complexity of correct redaction of personal data, it is worth talking to the experts.

Why come to us?

The Redaction Team experts have come together to pool their years of experience dealing with Subject Access Requests and delivery of Data Redaction Services.

Our experts work extensively in Data Protection for Education and the Public Sector where some of the most sensitive personal data has to be handled.

Our redaction process is completed by individuals. Unlike many of our competitors we don’t rely on automated systems which means we manage the subtleties of the documents.

Although individuals complete the redaction process, our redaction masking is digital and cannot be undone on the final document.

Our experts work a double system. One individual completes the initial analysis and redaction. Another expert does a second review to ensure that the process is completed and checked thoroughly. As a result you can have confidence in the results.

Finally, our pricing is sensible, making it worth while getting us to do the hard work for you.

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Top 3 FAQs

Why don’t organisations do this for themselves?

Peace of Mind, Cost and Time Savings.

Your organisation doesn’t have to outsource data redaction services requirements, however this is why you should. The process for removing duplicate documents and ensuring that everything is redacted as it should be, is complicated and time consuming. It makes sense to let the experts do it.

Why use the Redaction Team?

Our experts provide support to over 200 education and public sector organisations and have been leaders in Data Redaction Services since the Data Protection Laws were enhanced with the GDPR legislation in 2016. They stay on top of the legislation changes such as the Data Protection Act 2018 and the forthcoming Data Protection and Digital Information Bill. They understand the rules and what needs to be done to stay within them.

How much does it cost?

A reasonable question which is difficult to answer without more information. Every SAR, Freedom of Information Request or data redaction services requirement is different. What we can assure you is that;

We will get a good understanding of the requirements.

Provide a clear quote in advance.

That there will be no hidden charges.

It will be more cost effective than trying to complete the work yourself.

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